Sir Keir Starmer visits Perry Hall Primary School

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Sep 2, 2024 School News

We were delighted to welcome to Perry Hall Primary; Keir Starmer, Prime Minister and Bridget Phillipson, Secretary of State for Education on Monday 2 September 2024. The visit focussed on pupils returning to school and their excitement and anticipation of fun and opportunities for the new school year, but it was also an opportunity to discuss with the media the announcement of the removal of the one word OFSTED judgement and the move to towards a report card format, which will be implemented by September 2025. 

he removal of the one word judgement is a positive move for the sector, as condensing the work of a school, into one word judgement does not reflect the strengths, breadth and complexities of schools, It causes huge pressure to our staff when in the OFSTED window and brings little support for those schools that may require it. 

The move to a report card needs to be carefully thought through in collaboration with the sector, so that there is meaningful comparative information to inform and hold schools to account, as well as an opportunity for schools to celebrate the local context and their work. 

We will keep you updated ! 

Paula Farrow OBE                      

CEO, Nexus Education Schools Trust